Orcas Online, Inc. offers a student internship designed to provide a survey introduction to the professional and business environment. Interns will learn multiple facets of running and working at an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and will develop customer service and interpersonal skills that they can transfer to future jobs. The internship will finish with the devising and execution of a project by the intern that meets their interests. No prior experience needed.
10 Week Program outlines as follows (subject to change):
Weeks 1 and 2: Reception / Front of Office
Weeks 3 and 4: Survey and Install
Weeks 5 and 6: Computer Repair / Networking
Week 7: WordPress and Web Development
Weeks 8 – 10: Internship Focus: Independent Project
Upon acceptance into the internship, a schedule will be devised that allows for three (3) one and a half (1.5) hour shifts per week. Ideally, applicants will be able to work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Upon completion of the designated forty-five (45) hours the intern will receive a stipend of $500. If hours are missed over the course of the 10 weeks, interns will be encouraged to make them up, but will need to work with the internship administrator to schedule these makeup hours. Uncompleted internships will not receive compensation.
Applicants will be asked to include a resume or CV. We believe this is an important part of the application experience, but the details of the resume/CV will not play a critical role in the evaluation of the candidate.
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