It’s a fact of life in the San Juan Islands that broadband is not as broad as it can be on the mainland. Yet many tech providers and businesses are accustomed only to a world of lightning-fast upload and download. To better assist our customers in keeping up with the wide, modern world of technology, Orcas Online offers our Night Owl program; a period of unlimited bandwidth usage between the hours of 12 am and 6 am, to all of its wireless customers. This does not guarantee higher speeds, but it will allow devices connected to our customers’ networks to access the maximum amount of data that the World Wide Web can provide them.
The primary intent behind this service is to allow customers with large file downloads or device updates to perform these tasks quickly and without serious interruption to their normal daily schedule. These settings are automatically adjusted each night on our system, customers need only wait until midnight and let the downloads roll. There is no additional charge; we just want everyone to have a pleasant internet experience with Orcas Online.
Please let us know if you have any questions about this program at or give us a call at 360-376-4124.
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